Simple Pay - American Credit Foundation

Simple Pay

We have two options:
1 – ONLINE sign-up. Just click the following link to go to our electronic Simple Pay form. Please note: This is only for initial set-up. Any changes must be made through your counselor. CLICK HERE FOR THE ONLINE Simple Pay Authorization Form.
2 – HARDCOPY sign-up. Click on the link on the at the end of this paragraph to print, complete and sign the authorization form and return it to us along with a voided check or savings deposit slip. CLICK HERE to print the simple pay authorization form.

Simple Pay FAQ’s

What is Electronic Payment?

Electronic Payment is automatic bill payment. Your payment is deducted automatically from your checking or savings account. You can avoid the hassle of writing or mailing checks!

What is the advantage of Electronic Payment?

It saves time! It saves work! It simplifies your life! Paying bills is a time-consuming chore. Electronic Payment takes it off your hands.

When is the Electronic Payment transferred from my account?

On its due date. You never have to worry about forgetting a payment or mailing it on time!

If I do not write checks, how do I keep my checkbook balance straight?

Since your payment is made at a pre-established time, you simply record it in you check register on the appropriate date.

Without a canceled check, how can I prove I made my payment?

Your bank statement gives you an itemized list of electronic payments. It is your proof of payment.

Is Electronic Payment risky?

Electronic Payment is less risky than check payment. It cannot be lost, stolen or destroyed in the mail. It has an extremely high rate of accuracy.

How can you transfer money from my account?

Only with your authorization.

What if I change bank accounts?

Notify us and we will make arrangements to accommodate the changes.

How much does Electronic Payment cost?

It costs you nothing. Plus, you save the cost of stamps, checks and envelopes.

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