Self-Help Articles

Help Your Significant Other Rebuild Their Credit — While Keeping Yours Intact

Money is one of the top issues that can cause friction in a relationship: Conflicts over spending, saving, and goal-setting can be major stumbling blocks to a happy, healthy romance. And things can get even hairier when your credit scores are wildly different: When one partner has bad credit (or no credit at all), it […]

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Explore High- and Low-Tech Tools for Monitoring Your Money

Savvy financial operators utilize a variety of tools to ensure their money is being spent responsibly. One tactic is monthly money monitoring, and there are several ways to do it. But before we delve into the details, let’s talk about why monitoring or tracking your spending for a month might be an eye-opening and, ultimately,

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Debt Avalanche Method Defined and How it Can Work For You

If you’re facing a mountain of debt, you might welcome an avalanche to bring it all down. You’ve likely heard of the “Snowball Method” of debt repayment — but have you heard about the “Avalanche Method”? Here’s how the avalanche method works: You start by listing all your debts, including what you owe and the

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Thinking of a Payday Loan? Don’t! Here’s What to Consider Instead

Thinking of a Payday Loan? Don’t! If you’re a regular reader of this blog, and I sincerely hope you are, you’ll know I’ve talked often about avoiding high-interest rates at all costs, be it when considering a new credit card, a personal loan or a mortgage, and taking steps to ensure you get the best

Thinking of a Payday Loan? Don’t! Here’s What to Consider Instead Read Post »

Don’t Let Obstacles Stand In Your Way of Crafting Your Perfect Budget

When it comes to putting your finances in place, creating and sticking to a budget is pretty basic advice, and for good reason. A budget can help you track and manage your spending, create an emergency fund, swiftly pay off debt or reach your savings goals all while making sure your regular, monthly expenses are

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Credit Freezing and Credit Monitoring, Two Types of Protection You Need to Know About

In this day and age, we’re all vulnerable to internet hackers finding a way to access our private, personal information. We’ve all heard the various media reports of big-name companies and even governmental entities’ computer systems being breached, and when it comes to personal finances, Equifax, a consumer credit reporting agency, is one of the

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Money Rediscovered: Fun Facts, Historical Tidbits and Weird Things About Your Cash

Fun Facts and weird things about your cash. Let’s face it, thinking about money, or in particular the lack thereof, can be a source of stress for many folks, especially around the holidays. But as it happens, there’s much more to money than its ability to invoke panic as it pertains to your finances. In

Money Rediscovered: Fun Facts, Historical Tidbits and Weird Things About Your Cash Read Post »

Seven Smartphone Apps for Smarter Saving, Spending, and Budgeting

Your smartphone can do a lot of amazing things: With the touch of a few buttons, you can create the ultimate workout playlist, talk and text with friends and family across the country (or the world), play games, take photos, and binge-watch the latest episodes of your favorite TV shows. But did you know that

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Here’s How to Spot Money-Saving Gimmicks Like a Pro

When strolling your favorite clothing store, perusing the lunch menu at your regular haunt or scanning the sale items during your weekly grocery shopping trip, you may notice screaming advertisements promising massive savings and super specials all aimed at saving you money. As in so many instances in life, this is a time for discernment.

Here’s How to Spot Money-Saving Gimmicks Like a Pro Read Post »

Don’t Let Debt Push You to Desperate Financial Measures

For some of us, loads of debt equal desperation. The endless bills, the ever-growing balances, the mounting interest. With the goal of freeing themselves from their financial burden, it’s enough to push some people to make risky financial decisions they might not otherwise.  Don’t let debt push you to desperate financial measures. One such decision

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Rebuilding Your Credit: Seven Things to Know When Choosing a Credit Card

You probably don’t need me to tell you that it can be difficult to build or repair your credit. Maybe you’re recovering from years of irresponsible spending and living beyond your means. Or perhaps you’re starting from scratch after a lifetime of going cash only. But here’s the thing: While repairing (or establishing) credit can

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Freedom from Credit Card Debt is Possible. Here’s How.

Freedom from credit card debt is possible. Here’s how: Are you having cold sweats? Are you experiencing bouts of anxiety? Do you find yourself up at night worried about your financial future or even how to pay your ever-mounting bills on time? If you’re experiencing any of these troubling symptoms, you might be suffering under

Freedom from Credit Card Debt is Possible. Here’s How. Read Post »

Have 30 Minutes? Here are 7 Fast Ways to Improve Your Finances

7 Fast ways to improve your finances: I’m sure we’re all familiar with the old saying “Time is money,” right? Assuming the cliché holds true (and I’d wager it does in several circumstances at least), it seems fitting we discuss effective ways to improve your finances – all in 30 minutes or less. That might

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